
Does my business really need a website in 2021?

Website in 2021

The answer is yes. There aren’t many businesses that can survive without a web presence, and there’s no reason not to have a website. A website not only helps small businesses promote and sell their products and services, but it also allows them to distinguish themselves from their competitors, especially for customers who rely heavily on the Internet to learn everything about a company.

Your company’s website can be a highly effective marketing tool that can be very cost efficient.

If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business. Bill Gates

Here are 7 reasons why your business needs a website

  1. Reach all corners of the world

A professional website allows customers from anywhere to be able to find you online.

2. Let people know who you are and where you are

Search engines like Google are heavily focused on local search, so it is even more important as a local business to have an online presence.

3. Increases credibility.

Having a functioning and well-presented website that you can refer potential customers to shows that you are serious about your business.

4. Available 24/7/365 even when you’re not

 People can literally still find relevant information about your business online, even if it is out of working hours. For example, we generally receive a few leads during the evenings and over weekends, which would not have been possible without a website.

5. Helps you attract new customers

As people search for your solution online, they will be able to find your business and discover your products and services and even be open to doing business with you. The first thing most people do is search online for the information they need.

6. Low maintenance

A well build website, once it is up and running, actually requires very little maintenance. The actual running cost for most basic websites are the domain and hosting fees and a little bit of maintenance of the website, which could be as little as R200 a month.

7. Share reviews

A website offers you a space to share examples of previous projects and clients’ testimonials. These increases your social proof.

We believe every business needs a website, and it’s easier than ever before to get one. There is a very small and inexpensive barrier to entry, and there is a massive opportunity to help grow your business.

Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that

If you are looking for a trusted web developer that understand the challenges of managing a business in Africa then contact us.


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